• JeyDoll


  • Ecuador
  • Spanish, Italian
  • Last activity

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Details of JeyDoll

Other names: sxybambina

About cam model

en mi espacio, todos son bienvenidos, independientemente del color, si tienen tokens o no tienen . son igualmente bienvenidos, pero si no tienen tokens para pagar un espectáculo, no lo soliciten, en lugar de eso, hablen y disfruten de mi compañía. me encanta conversar pero de manera respetuosa.
in my space, they all are welcome, independently of the color, if they have tokens or do not have. are the same way welcome, but if they do not have tokens to pay a spectacle, do not request it, instead of that, speak and enjoy my company. I like to converse but in a respectful way.

Languages:Spanish, Italian
Body Type:Curvy